The most cost effective, versatile and easy to use accessory on the market today
- SurveyIR uses the FTIR’s optical bench and detector
- 3 visual illumination modes produce superior images
- 4 IR sampling modes in one package: Transmission, Reflection, Diffuse, and view thru Diamond ATR
- eSpot software facilitates effortless sample viewing and image capture
- Targeted IR sampling with eSpot assisted mask selection
- Simultaneous viewing during IR data collection
The team at Czitek has a long legacy of innovation in microspectroscopy.
Over the last 30+ years we have directly developed and introduced the most relevant and empowering products in the IR Microscopy Space.
Maybe you have used, or heard of, one or more of these patented products:
IR Plan™, NicPlan™, IRµs™, Continµum™, InspectIR™, Grazing Angle and Diamond ATR Objectives, IlluminatIR™